INRIX Launches First Intersection Intelligence Platform Powered Entirely by Vehicle Probe Data

INRIX Signal Analytics powered by the CATT Lab enables data-driven insights at a fraction of the cost of hardware- and sensor-based solutions


Digitize All of Your Mobility Data With INRIX Road Rules

INRIX Road Rules is the first complete tool for cities to easily digitize, manage and communicate the rules of their roadways, curbs & sidewalks. Get started today for FREE.

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INRIX Research

Learn How Electric Passenger Drones Could Spread Growth

Passenger drones stand to revolutionize mobility by providing fast, reliable trips to and from city centers and suburbs. Long term, they will redefine what constitutes a metropolitan area by dramatically reducing travel times between communities in a region.

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About Us

Global Leader of Connected Car Services and Transportation Analytics

Big data, analytics and innovation to help make roads better, commutes faster and people safer

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Advancing transportation around the world

Pioneers of using technical innovation and the richest insights to understand the movement of people, INRIX is leading the world in making urban mobility more intelligent.

We leverage vehicle connectivity, advanced parking management, dynamic data for city planning and traffic flow optimization to make it safer, cleaner, more convenient and more enjoyable for people to get to where they need to go.

Working with 100s of world class companies and public agencies across over 60 countries, we are helping to empower the world's increasingly mobile society.

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