
INRIX Roadway Analytics

Improving transportation planning and mobility across cities and strategic roadway networks

Start improving Your Roadways

Transportation Planning: Gain insight across your road network to plan, prioritize and improve roadway performance.

Are you transportation planning professional struggling to accurately monitor and identify performance trends on key roads, corridors or segments daily, monthly or year over year? Roadway Analytics utilizes anonymous data from connected vehicles to deliver on-demand traffic data, analytics, and visualizations that can help you maximize mobility improvement efforts and minimize costs. Roadway Analytics is now available through INRIX IQ in addition to CATT Lab.

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Robust Insights and Accurate Data for Transportation Planning

By combining fresh, accurate roadway data with a unique set of in-depth analytical tools, Roadway Analytics can help you understand what is happening on your roads, benchmark and improve roadway performance and maximize the investment of public funds. Transportation planning has never been so in-depth.

Easily Visualize and Communicate Findings

Using data visualizations, you can easily enrich and communicate your findings with your team and publish roadway conditions to the public. Data can even be exported if users want to analyze the data on another platform.

Simplified, yet enhanced roadway data analysis

Roadway Analytics is designed to help you easily extract actionable insights from big data. Our browser-based suite of tools helps you analyze roadway data without any additional training, software, or hardware.

Roadway Analytics Features:

  • Bottleneck Ranking

    Identify, prioritize and visualize locations with recurring congestion throughout your entire roadway network.

  • Performance Charts

    Generate line and bar graphs for before and after inquiries—including comparison studies—and then easily translate the results into visualizations that communicate your findings.

  • Congestion Scan

    Identify and pinpoint problem areas along any travel corridor to better target improvement efforts.

  • User Cost Delay

    By combining speed, volume and economic data, authorities can determine how much money is lost by delay on the roadway.

Roadway Analytics is now part of the INRIX IQ suite. Sign-up to take Roadway Analytics for a test drive.

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By connecting the dots between people, vehicles, roads, cities and businesses – INRIX IQ can help you gain deep insights from the entire transportation eco-system.

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