Tune into The Weather Channel for INRIX Traffic Updates for Local Roads
What’s the weather? How’s the traffic? If you’re like we are, these are among the first questions we ask ourselves at the start of our day. As a result, it’s only logical that we’ve teamed up with The Weather Channel to bring you up-to the-minute insight into these important questions every day on the channel’s local programming.
On a continuously updated ticker at the bottom of your TV screen, The Weather Channel now is providing INRIX drive times for key routes in traffic as well as alerts to crashes, weather and other traffic-causing delays. Tune in during morning and evening rush hour to see for yourself or check out this clip from The Weather Channel’s recent broadcast in Marietta, GA.
Whether on TV, radio, in your car or on your phone via our INRIX XD Traffic App, we’re helping get you on your way with up-to-the-minute insight into the latest traffic conditions and drive times for your town. And if you’re a media company interested in learning about INRIX can help you differentiate your newscast from your competitors, visit our main web site or drop me a note at shawn.gunn@inrix.com.
Shawn Gunn