This post is part 1 of a new “how-to-series” that illustrates how easy it is for users to start analyzing their traffic signal network once signing up for INRIX Signal Analytics and selecting the signalized intersections and corridors they would like to get insights for. This first post outlines the Daily Dashboard and the importance of seeing the “big picture” of your network.

What’s INRIX Signal Analytics?

INRIX Signal Analytics is a cloud-based analytics application that is part of the INRIX IQ platform that is designed to help traffic professionals to get intersection and corridor performance insights on-demand.  This application relies on connected vehicle data to help transportation professionals assess and improve signalized arterials without the need for data from road sensors. It does not require special training, and there is nothing to install.

By transforming trillions of data points into summaries, charts, data visualizations, daily reports, and interactive dashboards, INRIX Signal Analytics allows traffic professionals to easily identify, rank, and prioritize both intersection and corridor improvement projects to maximize the performance of traffic flow.

Getting Started with the Daily Dashboard:

When you first log into Signal Analytics you are presented with the Daily Dashboard which is a summary of the performance of your intersections and corridors that you have licensed in the network.

INRIX Signal Analytics- Daily Dashboard

This dashboard provides you with top-end statistics of all the intersections you signed up for in your network including the total number of intersections analyzed (top left), the total number of approaches for all intersections (top middle), and the total number of maneuvers made within all intersections (top right), and the total number of corridors that are being tracked (top far right).

Intersection Trends:

You’ll also get some high-level trends like Total Control Delay, 4-Week Average (control delay), and Average Control Delay Per Vehicle.

Total Control Delay is an estimated scaled control delay of all intersections in the network. This is compared to the 4-week historic average.

Average Control Delay Per Vehicle trends are also displayed to help you understand if your total intersection control delay performance is improving or worsening.

INRIX Signal Analytics- Intersection Trends

Intersection Counts by Level of Service (LOS)

INRIX Signal Analytics- Intersection Counts

This chart illustrates the average Level of Service grades for your licensed intersections. Traffic flow is described with a Level of Service (LOS) value. This an important piece of traffic information, since it tells users how well traffic is moving through a given intersection.

Signal Analytics provides LOS values following the standard traffic engineering identification of, intersection operational conditions defined as:

  • A ≤10 Free Flow
  • B >10 – 20 Stable Flow (slight delays)
  • C >20 – 35 Stable flow (acceptable delays)
  • D >35 – 55 Approaching unstable flow (tolerable delay, occasionally wait through more than one signal cycle before proceeding)
  • E >55 – 80 Unstable flow (intolerable delay)
  • F >80 Forced flow (congested and queues fail to clear)

Avg. Control Delay/Vehicle:

A qualitative measure of LOS describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, which is standard in traffic engineering, defined as:

  • A ≤10 Free Flow
  • B >10 – 20 Stable Flow (slight delays)
  • C >20 – 35 Stable flow (acceptable delays)
  • D >35 – 55 Approaching unstable flow (tolerable delay, occasionally wait through more than one signal cycle before proceeding)
  • E >55 – 80 Unstable flow (intolerable delay)
  • F >80 Forced flow (congested and queues fail to clear)
    INRIX Signal Analytics- Average Control Delay Per

Top 5 Intersections with Issues: Total Worsened Control Delay & Per Vehicle:

This dashboard also gives you quick visibility into the Top 5 Intersections and Corridors that experienced a worsening in control delay. The estimated scaled control delay at the 5 most worsened intersections compared to their 4-week historic average.

INRIX Signal Analytics- Top 5 Control Delay

If you want more detail about individual intersections or corridors, you can use the left pane to select the intersections or corridors modules. Be sure to read the next posts from this series to learn how to use the Intersections Module and the Corridors Module.

If you want to learn more about Signal Analytics, request personalized virtual demo or reach out to if you have specific questions.