In INRIX Traffic v3 we’ve added several new features and additional functionality, including Comparative Traffic, One-Tap Reporting, and the ability unlock from your current location to view traffic conditions in other areas.  Check out the screenshots below and then visit the BlackBerry App World to download v3 of INRIX Traffic.  We hope you enjoy it and look forward to your feedback!

If you like INRIX Traffic, please help us spread the word.  The more people that use INRIX Traffic, the better your  traffic data gets.  So please, help  your friends and family avoid traffic delays by telling them to download INRIX Traffic to their BlackBerry, iPhone, Android, or Windows Phone 7 smartphones.


Comparative Traffic:

The new Comparative Traffic feature shows you what’s abnormal about current traffic conditions.  Black indicates worse than normal, light blue indicates better than normal, and grey indicates normal traffic conditions. We hope this feature will allow you to make routing decisions and travel timing based on how current traffic conditions compare to normal.

Comparative Traffic for BlackBerry

One Tap Reporting:

One Tap Reporting makes it easier than ever to report incidents on the go.  We’ve also simplified incident options into two categories; police and crash.  Simply tap the report icon in the top left corner of the map and choose the type of incident you find on your route.  Plus in 3.0 we’ve added a “Traffic Color is Wrong” button. If you find yourself  in traffic conditions that are inconsistent with our traffic color, let us know.  After tapping “Traffic Color is Wrong” we’ll increase the frequency in which we receive anonymous data from your phone so we can deliver more accurate traffic conditions.

One -Tap Reporting for BlackBerry


Please leave any questions about new features or feedback in the comment section below or by emailing us at

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